Sunday, July 1, 2018

Pentecost VI: Woman, Rescued

Scripture tells us that humans see what is on the outside of a person, God sees through to heart.  Today, Jesus the metaphor of God does exactly that, as he encounters a woman destined to die unremembered and alone.  Scripture also assures us that the letter of the Law kills, but the spirit of the Law gives life.  In today's encounter the woman's life is seriously diminished by the primitive provisions of the ancient religious heritage to which she is bound.  Jesus will free her of that.

Today's text [Mk 5: 21-43] presents a woman who has suffered from haemorrhage for a full twelve years.  Physically, that means that in a culture where aristocrats feast on meat and others want for effective levels of protein, the woman has been painfully anaemic, weak, no doubt depressed.  Now adding to her plight, the old Jewish tradition declares her effluence renders her ritually unclean.  Anyone who touches her, even accidentally, becomes unclean. In a state of uncleanness, worship at the Temple is forbidden.  As she is perpetually unclean, she is not even welcome in the Court of Women.  Under the theology of the time, it is presumed that she, or perhaps her parents or even grandparents, did something to anger a God who holds grudges for generations and, in retaliation, withdraws his protection from the sinner or a descendant. .  Loss of that protection means demons invade and bad things ensue, in this case, haemorrhage.  To get right with God under the Law, she must go and offer the prescribed sacrifices to God, but she can't because she is constantly ritually unclean and banned from the Temple.  Catch 22!

The woman has taken the logical next step and turned to medicine-for-profit. As a result, she is skint, as millions of Americans are today, and her condition is growing worse.  The woman has heard of our Lord's fame as exorcist and spiritual leader -- how the blind come to see, the deaf to hear and to understand, the lame to run and walk.  So she tries Jesus' free clinic.  Good move.  She experiences healing, which Jesus attributes to her faith.  Many will not experience such a magical remission but rather find healing in being reconciled to the reality and finding new strength to move on.  Jesus heralded her physical improvement but more he wanted the woman to be healed in mind and soul as well, and fully restored to family and community.  She can begin to live again because of the action of a God whose true nature is love and compassion, demonstrated in the the Saviour.

How many of us in time of crisis, like this woman, try just about every possible solution before turning to God?  We can often be our own worst enemy.  Jesus wants to give us peace, wholeness -- shalom.  Abundant life awaits.  What inside you needs healing?

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